Team Elevation Featured In #MusicLov3rz September

Team Elevation is an Inspirational Group that strives on having a PASSION for GOD, Music, Wellness, Kids and Living With A Purpose. As being a God-given vision, Team Elevation was formed in July 2015 by V. Hill (Victor Hill). This Music Ministry has been a calling of V. Hill for years, but now he's acting on it. Team Elevation is more than just music. It’s a music ministry that inspires, motivates, and encourages with GOD’s message through their music. Team Elevation doesn’t perform their music for you; they minister their music to you. In addition to his many talents, V. Hill is also the founder and CEO of SIP Ent LLC. V. Hill is from Mississippi but resides in the Atlanta area now. His longtime friend, Willie J (Rasheed Willie Johnson), rounds out the music group. Being a man of GOD, Willie J is also a certified life coach and motivational speaker. Coach Willie's God-given gift allows him to motivate others to excel and exceed their expectations. He’s also an author that ...