Blessing Light Featured In #MusicLov3rz October!

Blessing Light is the Artist name for Apostle Ada Ngozi Ambrose ESQ. Biblical counsellor and Attorney at Law, songwriter, Worshipper, Artist, Nurse, Missionary, Philanthropist, Mother, grandmother, daughter , friend, Life and Health coach, who counsels people, offering them hope and solutions for day to day life’s problems. She was born in Rivers State, Nigeria to the Late Chief Ambrose E Ejiogu and his wife, Mrs Pauline C. Ejiogu of Umuechele Owerri AGBAJA in Ehime Mbana Local government of IMO state , Nigeria. She is the 1st born and 1st daughter of the family of eight children. Based in United States of America, but with a GLOBAL PRESENCE, she heads Ada Ambrose Ministries Global, Praying Through The Storm and Miracle Ministries , Hope For The Hurting Heart Abundant Life Institute Global, Heavenly Nation Global Summit and Network ' and “I am Woman Unveiled Global Movement” Ada Ambrose Ministries Global is a Prayer, Prophetic , Healing, deliverance and Restorati...