Evan S Returns To #MusicLov3rz September!

Unstoppable is a song about the love of Jesus for us. Jesus took beatings, insults, was pushed and shoved, and even was spit on for His love for us, and most importantly crucified. Jesus' love for us was and will forever be UNSTOPPABLE... no matter what tried to get in His way. Coming your way on 9/01/2023! Evan S' latest single Unstoppable ft Leci Paris Amazon | Apple Music | Spotify Connect with Evan S on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter Artist Bio: Fusing softly soothing soundtracks to a feel-good atmosphere and contagious pop-perfect melodies, Evan S is an emerging artist from New York City who is currency making his mark on the global music game. His sound is fueled by faith and delivered with deep passion as he continues to praise God through his Christian anthems. Best described as a Christian R&B artist, he’s not one to stay within the box and will often dip into a range of genres from Reggaeton to even a little Spanish music. Though h...