Cherry Fondren Featured In #MusicLov3rz

In a world besieged by senseless gun violence in the inner city, the perils of wars being fought in Ukraine and Israel, an ongoing migrant crisis, coupled with homelessness and food insecurities facing our youth and the elderly, God’s people can find hope and reassurance in the promise of God’s restoration found in 2 Chronicles 7:14, Chicago based youth leader and music minister Cherry Fondren gathered her family together to deliver a word of encouragement via God Said He Would Heal The Land, a new adaptation of the song recorded by the late Reverend Clay Evans and the Fellowship Baptist Church Choir with a timely message made relevant by the issues people are facing today. “To say that we are living in perilous and even more unpredictable times is an understatement”, Fondren states. “Scripture is being fulfilled in front of our very eyes every day, but we don’t live as those without hope. Although we live in times of desperation, God called us and equip...