Lajaye Britt Returns To #MusicLov3rz June!

John 15:13 King James Version 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Many people around the world have heard the name Dr. LaJaye’ Britt and many have not. However, he is no stranger to either the world of Entertainment and certainly not the The Ministry of Our Lord Gospel. As we delve deeper into his work and testimony, you will understand his passion for both his followers in music, and the Body of Christ. LaJaye’ recently underwent another extensive surgery and has been recovering well in physical therapy. He has had his share of medical battles, and just like on any one that is human, it can have an effect mentally as well as physical on you. But for him, having a strong personal relationship with God, standing fast in faith, never did he become weary in well doing. Dr. Britt also credits having a strong wife and family around him supporting him daily keeps him grounded in his beliefs and focused on his own purpose and priorities....