
Showing posts from February, 2019

Tanty Freeman II Featured In #MusicLov3rz Magazine

Massive CONGRATS  @TantyFreemanll  on his nomination  #Producer   #Song  of the Year  #IAM  in the 2019  #SteepleAwards ! Voting starts March 25th  #MultiInstrumentalist   #Producer   #Songwriter   #LabelOwner   #NC   @LuvConfidential   @CChandonCarter & VOTE NOW FOR Tanty "Gus" Freeman II in the FedEx Small Business Grant Contest! Voting goes until April 1st!!! My story of a journey into writing songs and music began through my involvement in an a car accident in which I was rear ended. After sometime passed that evening, the gentleman and I began talking while the state trooper checked our information.   I learned from him that he was an Apostle and he learned that I was the minister of music for my church.  About a month or so had passed before I would see him again. It was o...

Jason Pierre Music & Shoes Featured In #MusicLov3rz Magazine March Edition!

Jason Pierre born in New Orleans, Louisiana comes from an artistic background and as a young child always had a love for the arts especially music. He was deeply involved is his schools band programs. After graduating Jason took his love of music to the next level by teaching himself how to produce music tracks and soon there on he taught himself how to record. Throughout the years Mr. Pierre has gone on to record three albums; one R&B, the other Hip Hop and his newest venture, Gospel. He has also obtained a recording certification from the Radio Recording Film Connection. Jason's focus now is to minster and spread the Gospel with his unique sound and delivery to those who want to hear the word and those who need to hear God's word. Making people believers.  Check out his shoe brand Jason Pierre Made In Italy Get Jason Pierre's latest album JESUS DRUM MAJOR Amazon | iTunes | Google Play

Jonathan Dalberiste and Restored Order Choir - R.O.C. Featured In #MusicLov3rz March!

Jonathan Dalberiste and R.O.C. is a travel based Gospel Choir out of the South Florida area. Established in 2015, the choir has ministered various places throughout the South Florida area, as well as Orlando, Tampa, Alabama, North Carolina, California, just to name a few. In their short stent, Jonathan Dalberiste and R.O.C. have already been able to share the stage with so many great gospel artist. In April of 2018, the choir was not only selected to open up for the Festival of Praise tour in Miami, but they were also the choir selected to sing behind Gospel greats such as Fred Hammond, Donnie Mcclurkin, Hezekiah Walker, James Fortune, and Charles Jenkins. In that same year, the choir also had the honor of ministering at the City of Refuge church in California for Bishop Noel Jones, as well as ministering with the Breath of Life Ministries under pastor Carlton Byrd. More than just singing, the choir has a hunger for community service. Earlier in 2018, the choir had the opportunity...

Mr. Pickney Featured In #MusicLov3rz Magazine March Edition!

Virgil Pickney is an up and coming Gospel recording artist, Pastor and Entrepreneur that is driven by his love, zeal and passion for Christ. He was born on April 29th 1970 at St. Francis Hospital. Virgil lived in Long Beach, CA with his mother and two siblings for the majority of his life, up until the age of 18 where he then set out to join the Army with a goal to earn money to go to school. He served in the military for four years and was privileged to live all over the globe, not knowing that later in life he would again be a soldier but this time it would be for Christ, serving in the army of the Lord. While growing up, his mother was the most influential person in his life. It was from her that he learned to love and appreciate the art of music. As time progressed, music became therapy for him, a form of escape. Today, at this point in his life, his biggest influence is Yahweh God his wife and his girls. Get his song "From The Heart" on  Amazon | Google Play as ...

Durmond Glanton - DLG Muziq Featured In #MusicLov3rz Magazine March Edition!

The “ UNDEFEATED ” Story of Durmond Glanton Durmond Glanton was born on July 14, 1977. Since the time of his conception, the enemy has had a hit out on Durmond ’ s life. At the age of 4, he taught himself how to play the drums, and had it mastered by the age of 9. He served faithfully as the church drummer until the age of 22. It was then when Durmond locked himself in a room and taught himself how to play the piano. In 2000, while attending a local revival in Rochester, NY, a prophet named Eric Cooper from Phoenix, Arizona spoke into Durmond ’ s life and declared that “ After the Storm, God is going to put your name in lights for the world to see. ” Since then Durmond has survived 3 strokes, beginning stage lung cancer, a minor heart attack, homelessness, drug addiction and suicidal battles. If you ask him today, “ Durmond, how were you able to go through all of that at such a young age and STILL survive? ” His answer is simple, “ When God is fighting for you, you can ’ t lose...

Ace Williams Returns to #MusicLov3rz Magazine March Edition!

LOVE POWER By ♠ ce Williams   *In a world of school shootings, juvenile confusion, and the rise of hate, we send some Love Power. The Ultimate Love Power Comes From the Author of Love, Our FATHER. From Our Saviour Jesus Christ and Our Comforter the Holy Spirit. We Need That Love. Nothing Else Can Fulfill Us Like GOD's Love. Sexual Intimacy is nice. But It Ain't The Holy Spirit. Getting 'High' Using Recreational Drugs May Temporarily Numb the Pain, But It Can't Fulfill Us Like The Holy Spirit (Not Even Close). We Need Some LOVE POWER...  The love of many will grow cold - Matthew Ch.24:12 For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, and abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You - Psalms Ch.86:5   When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me - Psalms Ch.94:18   Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins. Proverbs Ch.10:12   You shall love your neighbour as yourself. There is no other co...

Loni Crawford Featured In #MusicLov3rz Magazine March!

Compassion of spreading the Gospel of Jesus through the vehicle of music is the heartbeat of Loni. For over two decades, Loni has carried a mantle to share God’s grace and love. She gave her life to Christ at a very young age. Born and raised as a PK “preachers kid” she was provided with great opportunities to serve. Under the great leadership of her parents she learned the value of serving byway of the choir, worship team, VBS as well as Sunday School. At the early age of three, Loni sang her first solo at her home church. This was training ground for Loni to develop a deeper love for serving Gods people and prepare her for the life that was ahead. Loni has shared the gospel on American soil and overseas as well. She has served as a Worship Leader in various churches and continues to minister in song for conferences or events. Early in her life, she was a contestant on Ed McMahon Star Search as a teen vocalist.   She is the founder of Beauty for Ashes monthly blog that...

Javani Vassell Featured In #MusicLov3rz Magazine March

Javani Vassell was born in Jamaica, but moved to England, United Kingdom as a ten year old. “Throughout my time in my home country I attended church with my grandparents who were devout believers. I moved to the UK in search of a better life as opportunities are scarce in Jamaica. Throughout the rest of my childhood & teenage years I never really connected with God or understood anything about his word. I went off and did my own thing in London with my cousins, causing mischief. Hanging out in dangerous areas where anything could have happened at anytime. I've been in environments where there is drugs, guns & knives. At seventeen, I got invited to church by a friend. I went and met the Pastor. A few of the guys I met there, I already knew. I started to learn the word, learning how to pray & communicate with God. Within four months I decided to get baptized & fully commit to God. I haven't looked back since. Throughout these years of servin...

Kellie Leigh, Founder, #MusicLov3rz

Do not go where the path may lead, go where there is no path and leave a trail ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson #MusicLov3rz is a worldwide community of Independent Music Artists.  Founder, Kellie Leigh, worked for 14+ years in Entertainment Sales & Marketing as one of the top Executives for Broadcast & Corporate Owned Digital Start-ups before realizing what her true calling was. To quote Paul,  "I count it all but dung compared to having the knowledge of Jesus Christ." In 2009, the world of Marketing changed and she was one of the early adapters who learned the ins and outs of Social Media.  She is a part of many international consultant networks, and started the community in 2012 after having a God given vision.  She knew this was her destiny. The rest is history! I will leave out the details of the blood, sweat & tears... Being in full time ministry since 2012 has had it's challenges, but it is all worth it to do our part to fulfill the Great Comm...

Vincent Rutley Featured In #MusicLov3rz Magazine March Edition!

Featured in #MusicLov3rz Magazine March Edition is the amazing work of Vincent Rutley! His songs "Miracle" & "Troubles Don't Last Always" can be heard on #MusicLov3rz Radio in rotation!  Learn more about him and hear his music at: Buy his music on Amazon  | Google Play | iTunes Connect with Vincent on: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter   #MusicLov3rz: #MusicLov3rz February 2019 - Independent Music Worldwide Clean, Positive, Motivational, Inspirational Music Worldwide † 2018 Steeple Award Nominee † 2019 IRAA Award Nominee