Durmond Glanton - DLG Muziq Featured In #MusicLov3rz Magazine March Edition!

Durmond Glanton was born on July 14, 1977. Since the time of his conception, the enemy has had a hit out on Durmond’s life. At the age of 4, he taught himself how to play the drums, and had it mastered by the age of 9. He served faithfully as the church drummer until the age of 22. It was then when Durmond locked himself in a room and taught himself how to play the piano.

Since then Durmond has survived 3 strokes, beginning stage lung cancer, a minor heart attack, homelessness, drug addiction and suicidal battles. If you ask him today, “Durmond, how were you able to go through all of that at such a young age and STILL survive?” His answer is simple, “When God is fighting for you, you can’t lose. People CHOOSE to be defeated, I choose to be UNDEFEATED with God on my side.”

Preview & buy Durmond Glanton - DLG Muziq's single "Undefeated" on:
Amazon | CD Baby | Google Play | iTunes | Spotify
Get his FULL STORY in #MusicLov3rz Magazine March edition!

#MusicLov3rz: #MusicLov3rz March 2019 - Independent Music Worldwide
Clean, Positive, Motivational, Inspirational Music Worldwide † 2018 Steeple Award Nominee † 2019 IRAA Award Nominee