#NYC's "Prin" @MusicByPrinNYC Featured In #LOV3RZ December

The beautiful musical melodies of New York City's "Prin" featured in #LOV3RZ Magazine December
If you are an independent artist who makes clean music with a positive message and want to be featured in an upcoming edition of #LOV3RZ Magazine, please email your bio, social links & 2 MP3's to featuremeinyourmag@gmail.com
Kellie Leigh
Founder, #LOV3RZ Worldwide
If you are an independent artist who makes clean music with a positive message and want to be featured in an upcoming edition of #LOV3RZ Magazine, please email your bio, social links & 2 MP3's to featuremeinyourmag@gmail.com
Kellie Leigh
Founder, #LOV3RZ Worldwide