Barbara J Featured In #LOV3RZ April
Coming to #LOV3RZ Magazine April Edition: Barbara J!
Following her critically-acclaimed debut tribute album, “Sundown: A Gordon Lightfoot Retrospective,” Barbara J. is in the studio this spring recording “A Box Full of Records.” The album will be released in the late Summer/early Fall 2017. “Words Don’t Come Easy,” the pre-release to her second album, was released in August 2016.

Barbara is excited about the direction of the next album, which will feature cover songs from the 1970s and ‘80s that Barbara remembers as the “soundtrack to her youth.” Stay tuned for songs in different genres, from pop, to ballads, to rock, rendered with smooth, rich vocals and accompanied by some of Nashville’s finest musicians.
CD Baby:
Following her critically-acclaimed debut tribute album, “Sundown: A Gordon Lightfoot Retrospective,” Barbara J. is in the studio this spring recording “A Box Full of Records.” The album will be released in the late Summer/early Fall 2017. “Words Don’t Come Easy,” the pre-release to her second album, was released in August 2016.

Barbara is excited about the direction of the next album, which will feature cover songs from the 1970s and ‘80s that Barbara remembers as the “soundtrack to her youth.” Stay tuned for songs in different genres, from pop, to ballads, to rock, rendered with smooth, rich vocals and accompanied by some of Nashville’s finest musicians.
CD Baby: