Kevin Ray Nichols Featured In #LOV3RZ November!
#MusicLov3rz Independent Music Community #LOV3RZ Monthly Magazine Currently Reaching 1 Million+ #MusicLov3rz Worldwide per month! Est. 2012.
"My debut album, "Dreams Come True," tells a musical journey from top to bottom; from my “beginnings” writing music with my brother, seeing “Dreams Come True” in my gracious marriage to my wife and seeing the miracle of birth in my daughters, to being “Restored” by God and being “Baptized” in the East China Sea in 2007 during my Air Force tour to Japan. I now look toward the future in my still "new" life with Jesus Christ, when one day the “Train Goin’ Home” will carry me through the "Rapture" on my way to Heaven. I pray that it inspires you and brings you closer to living your life for the one true God."
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me (Revelation 3:20).”

By Kellie Leigh in #LOV3RZ Magazine
64 pages, published 10/20/2017
#MusicLov3rz Worldwide Independent Community Magazine Featuring Clean Positive Music