Sparks & Trippe Featured In #LOV3RZ Magazine December Edition!

#MusicLov3rz Independent Music Community #LOV3RZ Monthly Magazine Currently Reaching 1 Million+ #MusicLov3rz Worldwide per month! Est. 2012. Submissions of clean positive music & bio can be sent to:

Sparks & Trippe is the combination of the band lead by Angela Terace Trippe and Bob Sparks. They are two people from two different backgrounds coming together to share the love of God through Music. Angela grew up in New York and was trained classically in music. Angela is a singer, keyboard player and songwriter. Angela sings most of the lead vocals in the group. She has a great voice that at times will remind you of Mary Ford from the Les Paul and Mary Ford duet. Angela brings a lot of energy in her music and song writing. Angela looks to glorify God in what she does and in the music.

Bob grew up in Ohio and learned his early roots in music in Jazz, Blues, Gospel and Latin music. He later started playing rock and funk. Bob is the guitar player, song writer and sometimes sings lead vocals with his deep raspy blues voice that will some times remind you of James Brown.

Preview & Buy Sparks & Trippe's music at:

#LOV3RZ Magazine December 2017 Issue #23
58 pages, published 11/19/2017
#LOV3RZ Worldwide Independent Music Magazine Featuring Clean Positive Inspirational Motivational Music From Around The World!

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