Leah Da Light Featured In #LOV3RZ Magazine March - Front Cover! #TEAM #PMG
Leah Da Light Featured In #LOV3RZ Magazine March - Front Cover! #TEAM #PMG #Philadelphia Music Group
Leah Shonae Flugence aka (Leah Da
Light) a Gospel Recording RAP Artist of Philadelphia Music Group (PMG) from
Broussard, Louisiana.
"For the rest of her life she
will use a MIC to speak LIFE " ... and tell the world about Jesus Christ !
Jesus told his disciples that they are the Light of the world and also to let
their light shine so that HE eventually will be glorified. (Matthew 5:14-16)
Her main focus is to be a LIGHT in
this dark world in Jesus Name!
Leah grew up not really knowing who
God was and was in a religion but not a personal relationship with Jesus. Since
a real young age she had a huge passion for basketball and it became something
that she really desired to do for the rest of her life . Although that was
"her" desire to make it professional in basketball, GOD had other
plans . She then fell into the homosexual lifestyle at a real YOUNG age as well
as MANY other sins. Although she was deep in sin, one day while playing
basketball on college team during the summer before she was going to play for
the college , Leah ended up giving her life to Jesus Christ! She repented of
her sins and made the decision to pick up her CROSS and follow after Jesus!
Since then, she's been involved with ministry, and on FIRE for Jesus, and
all about winning souls for the Kingdom of God (Matthew28:19-20). Leah now has
a basketball ministry, All Around The World Ministries, but GOD has
called her to use her VOICE in music as a tool to reach this generation.
Leah believes that music is a
POWERFUL thing! She believes this world is speaking too much death over
beats...it is now the time to speak LIFE. She's ready to wake up dry bones in
the world and take back everything that the devil stole! "God has been too
good to me and has done too much for me to remain silent while watching people
souls dying from the wicked music that's in this world .
"I'm a Woman that's on a
Mission to speak truth to the nations | I hope you listen | that's my mission|
that's my goal | to let the truth be told and win souls “

By Kellie Leigh in #LOV3RZ Magazine
52 pages, published 2/24/2018
#LOV3RZ Magazine Clean Positive Independent Music From Around The World! #MusicLov3rz