Bishop Alphonso Smith Featured In #LOV3RZ Magazine March Edition

A few months after Bishop Alphonso Smith recorded” It’s in You.” He was preaching a sermon “Don’t Die with your Dreams” and when he made a sudden move, his T2 and T3 exploded. In pain, Bishop Alphonso Smith completed the message while holding on to the podium. When he finished his sermon, he had to be carried to the car and driven home. Bishop Smith minimized the pain, assuming it was a pinched nerve. Shortly after lying down at home his body began to swell and he was taken to urgent care.
Read his whole story & download "Legendary" on:
Google Play

By Kellie Leigh in #LOV3RZ Magazine
62 pages, published 2/24/2018
#LOV3RZ Magazine Clean Positive Independent Music From Around The World! #MusicLov3rz