Raizel Featured In #LOV3RZ Magazine May Edition!
I was born and raised in Baltimore, MD, where from out of loving home I was able to discover my love for music. Honestly since I can remember there’s always been two things: God and music.
I remember I’d have dreams of Heaven; I’d be floating in rooms that were really colorful, really beautiful and peaceful. At the end of the dream I’d always find myself at a ceiling with some kind of window or door. Such that if I opened, it would lead me right to the Face of Jesus.
Well I haven’t opened that door yet lol
Raizel Featured In #LOV3RZ Magazine May Edition!
We share her FULL STORY in #LOV3RZ Magazine May edition, coming your way on April 25th!
Connect with her and her music at:
Google Play:

By Kellie Leigh in #LOV3RZ Magazine
60 pages, published 4/25/2018
Clean, Positive, Motivational, Inspirational Music from around the globe!