Vivi Hu Featured In #LOV3RZ Magazine May Edition!
Vivi Hu Featured In #LOV3RZ Magazine May Edition!
Born and raised in China, I trained as a vocalist and flutist before launching my performance career in 2011. My first exposure to gospel music came in 2011through my vocal teacher Bo Huang at Xiamen, China. I fell in love with gospel music since then. At that time, I was hesitant of being a professional singer and wondered if it was the best choice for me. When I was in high school, I lost my voice for half a year due to overusing my voice, After I recovered my voice, the fear of losing it prevented me from singing freely. There were a few times when I was having a cold and I needed to sing in the church choir. The desires of singing and the fear of losing my voice were in conflict, but eventually I went on the stage.
Each time I felt better after singing. Also, the lyrics in the gospel songs encouraged me to put my trust in God, and gradually
I overcame the fear and decided to sing for God.
Read Vivi's FULL STORY in #LOV3RZ Magazine May Edition, coming on April 25th!
Preview & buy "New Creation"

By Kellie Leigh in #LOV3RZ Magazine
60 pages, published 4/25/2018
Clean, Positive, Motivational, Inspirational Music from around the globe!