Ernest Musik Featured In #LOV3RZ Magazine June Edition!
Ernest Musik featured in #LOV3RZ Magazine June edition!!
A very gifted Singer-Songwriter from Cleburne TX, now residing in Fort Worth, found his calling in music in his freshman year of high school while performing in front of a crowd, every since then, Ernest has been working hard on crafting his vocal skills into perfection. You may have seen Ernest in numerous vocal groups but as of 2013 he is a full fledged solo artist and has since then rededicated his life over to Christ. Ernest is a proud founder of the Outreach ministry "GPUAO" which stands for :Gods People United As One" which is dedicated to serving the Homeless of America and also saving lives for Christ. Ernest has since then signed with the Independent Record Label Renew Your Mind Records and released his First Mixtape "From The Heart" which is available for free download everywhere. "I thank everyone for listening to my music, and pray that the message that I present before you will make you reconsider who Jesus really is and to persuade you to follow him the rest of your days on this beautiful planet, God Bless you all." ~Ernest Music ErnestMusik101 Artist/ErnestMusik
Hear Lights On on #MusicLov3rz Radio
Hear Lights On on #MusicLov3rz Radio

By Kellie Leigh in #LOV3RZ Magazine
62 pages, published 5/25/2018
Clean Positive Motivational Inspirational Music From Around The World! #MusicLov3rz