All.Above.North Featured In #LOV3RZ Magazine August Edition!
My name is JT and I am a Christian. I love music, and I love serving God through music. That is why I started ‘all.above.north’. ‘all.above.north’ is a Christian music project committed to sharing personal testimony about God through music. The extract below is a little bit of the story of how I got here... Going into Christmas 2014, I was a ‘luke-warm’ Christian, I was in a job that I didn’t enjoy and I was struggling with the sudden onset of what I believed to be career related anxiety and stress – then God made his move. Now in the background to all this I was composing - so much in fact that in early 2015 I began to dream about doing music full time. I imagined getting a record deal and then going into my boss’ office with my resignation, safe in the knowledge that I was getting paid for my music. But still all this composing was just dabbling in the process of recording music and the idea of making a Christian album never entered my mind. However I found the composing began to get much more traction when I finally resolved to commit to writing music for God's cause and glory. So I would work in my day-job Monday to Friday and write and compose on the weekend. Then one day I was in my car sitting at traffic lights chatting to God about how all this music recording thing was going to work, with money and jobs and time etc.
You know, really allowing the worldly things to crowd my thoughts, when suddenly I received a thought so vividly, profound and loud that I stopped my rantings in mid thought. There and then God simply told me, "Build your ark." I was like, “What does that mean? God I am trying to sort out serious things like money and jobs and you tell me to “build my ark”? I knew the Noah story, but when I got home that night I went back to my scriptures and read over it again. It was then that I realized that God had told Noah to do something crazy and in the eyes of the world – stupid even. Build a massive boat in the middle of the land, and oh, then get two of every kind of living animal and put them on the boat, and then get in the boat with the animals and your family and wait. Why? Because I, God, will take care of bringing the water, and I will bring it in floods! I realized then that God was telling me to shut up, trust Him - just write and record the album. He will take care of the rest!
Catch All.Above.North's ENTIRE story in #LOV3RZ August!!!
In the meantime, connect with them and their music at:

#LOV3RZ Magazine: #LOV3RZ August 2018 Independent Music Worldwide
Clean, positive, motivational, inspirational music from around the globe!