Emilio Psalms & Kina Faith #HolyRiderMuzik Featured In #LOV3RZ September
Holy Ryder Muzik is a ministry for Jesus. Our passion is to share our music & poetry to glorify God in Jesus name and be used as His vessels for the kingdom.
Holy Ryderz for Christ: +Ride with Him or Die without Him.+
Hey Holy Ryderz! We appreciate all the support y'all been spreading from our music and posts. God put this ministry in our hearts this year to use us as vessels to spread His messages. We are doing this for His glory & to reach souls for the kingdom of God thru our music, ministering thru melody. Your support means so much to us! We have a passion for music, a love to exhort uplifting others, and a burden for the hurt & lost souls. It's all about the message in songs; a tool used from God thru us. We pray that God blesses this ministry and all the supporters in Jesus name! Thank you to all and your prayers. God bless you squad! #TeamJesus
- Emilio Psalms & KinaFaith
Jesus is the way!

~ John 14:6 ~
Connect with this amazing couple of God!
Get "Lord I Love You" Emilio Psalms Ft. Nino Salas

#LOV3RZ Magazine: #LOV3RZ September 2018 Independent Music Worldwide
#MusicLov3rz Independent Music Worldwide - Clean, Positive, Motivational, Inspirational