Shaneen Bonner Featured In #MusicLov3rz Magazine August Edition!
The new album from Shaneen Bonner is an up tempo call-to-action Spoken Word. The album has captured the heart of the listeners. It has been nominated for a Prayze Factor Award in Atlanta, Georgia. "My story is from the pitfalls to the penthouse. "
2011 the Lord gave me a word from several people that he has called me to Los Angeles, CA. One day I was sitting on my porch in Flint, Michigan and I got a call from my aunt, and she said the Lord has called you to California. I said I’m not going to California and leave my whole life behind. She then said “obey God.” The next day I received an inbox on Facebook from a lady I didn’t know and she said: just like God told Abraham to leave his family, God says that about you. So, I said “Lord if this is you then you have to provide for it.” My daughter came home with a bus ticket and said “Shaneen Bonner, you’re no longer welcome here, go to California to do the work God has called for you to do.” The next day I prayed to God and said to him “Lord, if you want me to go you have to promise me 2 things (1) that I will never sleep outside, (2) that I won’t be completely broke.” I left Michigan September 3rd 2011 heading to California on the Greyhound bus. While I was on the bus, we arrived in St. Louis and one of the baggage handlers told me if I don’t give him $20 that my bags were not going on the bus. I didn’t believe him until I got to Tulsa Oklahoma and my bags weren’t on the bus. I was mad and crying so hard that this tall white male with blonde hair ask me could he talk to me, so he and I went to a booth in the restaurant in Greyhound station. He pulled out a little Bible and turned it to Matthew 6 and said “take no thought of what you are going to eat, wear or sleep and he said my name (I didn’t tell him my name.) He said “Shaneen, God has use of you in California. I didn’t know anyone in California, I didn’t know where I was going to stay. I didn’t have any clothes. I went to the Long Beach mission to get clothes. The Lord laid it on the heart of a woman to let me live with her for about a month. I was homeless living in abandoned home, but I was still preaching Jesus and His saving power.
2011 the Lord gave me a word from several people that he has called me to Los Angeles, CA. One day I was sitting on my porch in Flint, Michigan and I got a call from my aunt, and she said the Lord has called you to California. I said I’m not going to California and leave my whole life behind. She then said “obey God.” The next day I received an inbox on Facebook from a lady I didn’t know and she said: just like God told Abraham to leave his family, God says that about you. So, I said “Lord if this is you then you have to provide for it.” My daughter came home with a bus ticket and said “Shaneen Bonner, you’re no longer welcome here, go to California to do the work God has called for you to do.” The next day I prayed to God and said to him “Lord, if you want me to go you have to promise me 2 things (1) that I will never sleep outside, (2) that I won’t be completely broke.” I left Michigan September 3rd 2011 heading to California on the Greyhound bus. While I was on the bus, we arrived in St. Louis and one of the baggage handlers told me if I don’t give him $20 that my bags were not going on the bus. I didn’t believe him until I got to Tulsa Oklahoma and my bags weren’t on the bus. I was mad and crying so hard that this tall white male with blonde hair ask me could he talk to me, so he and I went to a booth in the restaurant in Greyhound station. He pulled out a little Bible and turned it to Matthew 6 and said “take no thought of what you are going to eat, wear or sleep and he said my name (I didn’t tell him my name.) He said “Shaneen, God has use of you in California. I didn’t know anyone in California, I didn’t know where I was going to stay. I didn’t have any clothes. I went to the Long Beach mission to get clothes. The Lord laid it on the heart of a woman to let me live with her for about a month. I was homeless living in abandoned home, but I was still preaching Jesus and His saving power.
Get Shaneen Bonner's FULL STORY in #MusicLov3rz Magazine August edition! Get her album "Prophetic Declarations" on:

#MusicLov3rz: #MusicLov3rz August 2019 - Independent Music Worldwide
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