Mike Fitzpatrick Featured In #MusicLov3rz Magazine February
Mike is originally from Southern California, but he has made Atlanta Georgia his home for over 15 years. As a Singer/Songwriter he has shared the stage with some of the biggest names in the music industry, such as El Debarge, Keith Staten, Phil and Brenda Nicholas, Norm Calvin & the truth seekers, Lady Voncile Belcher and Vernessa Mitchell, just to name a few.
Other past solo performances include multiple Churches throughout the United States, The Christian Arts Music Centre in Culver City, CA, The Oasis Supper Club in Hollywood CA, The Frank Wilson Fellowship West Christian Conferences of Los Angeles CA, and numerous amphitheaters, parks colleges, prisons.
Mike has a unique vocal and musical style which blends Jazz, Rock, Funk and R&B into a pleasant Gospel Music experience like none other. The listener is immediately drawn into a wonderfully entertaining yet spiritually conscious state of urgency to draw closer to God. The message is in the music. Mike has consistently gained international attention with his songs and continues to create life changing music one single at a time. Mike Writes, Arranges & Produces all of his songs.
Get Mike Fitzpatrick's latest single "Everything I Need" featuring the U.K.'s Priscilla Bailey on:
Connect with Mike on
Mike's Website: http://mikefitz.biz

#MusicLov3rz: #MusicLov3rz February 2020 - Independent Music Worldwide
† 2x Award Nominee "Media Publication of the Year" † Finalist For "Magazine of the Year" 🙏 Independent Music For The Lord of All Genres