Queen AndreYah Black Featured In #MusicLov3rz Magazine February Edition!
"A voice from heaven" Queen AndreYah Black
Queen AndreYAH is a voice of heaven. Her name represents her royalty as a woman of God. It gives honour to the name of God, YAHWEH/(YHWH) the Hebrew tetragrammaton. This songstress and songwriter blends gospel, R&B and Jazz into angelic yet exceptionally powerful songs. Through her music she worships and sings of love, including her own life experiences.

Queen AndreYAH's music has also been featured on USA and Russian radio, Piccolo and M.O.J.A Festivals in Charleston, SC and the White Dog Festival in Belorussia. She has produced concerts and one-woman shows in jazz venues on Broadway and off-off Broadway. She got her start years ago at Jazz Cultural Theater in New York City, where Barry Harris was a partner. She has also showed her work at Club La Mama Theater, The Metropolitan Room, Triad Theater and other venues off-Broadway.
Queen AndreYAH Black’s self-titled EP broadcasts her distinctive sound and exquisite musicality. She blissfully merges sweetness and command into cover and original songs like "Gem of A Man" and her rendition of "Blessed Assurance". This EP is bound to leave its mark in the gospel, jazz and R&B scene, as will the virtuous woman herself, Queen AndreYAH Black.
Connect with her on:
Instagram: instagram.com/queenandreyah
Website: https://www.andreyahblack.com/
Get her music on:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2sUlOG1

#MusicLov3rz: #MusicLov3rz February 2020 - Independent Music Worldwide
† 2x Award Nominee "Media Publication of the Year" † Finalist For "Magazine of the Year" 🙏 Independent Music For The Lord of All Genres