Antonio Ford Returns To #MusicLov3rz December!
Antonio Ford is a national Christian/Gospel recording artist, singer, songwriter, producer, worship leader and musician! Antonio Ford has ministered all over the USA, leading churches and believers into worship! His sound is very prophetic in natural but has lately took on mixed genre styles to reach all age groups and all ethnic backgrounds! Antonio Ford is one of the most unique worship artist in the world today who like to create soulful prophetic words over hip hop, neo-soul and rock beats to engage the culture of the world we live in today.
Antonio Fords music and the message in his music reaches the audience right where they are and has now created a new sound that is reaching all over the world to believers and unbelievers! Antonio Ford has released 3 new hit singles this year, “ Resting on the promise, “I don’t want to lose you” and his latest single “Your Worthy.” Antonio Fords music has inspired many to worship and live for God with his transparent praise and worship much like the psalmist David in the bible!
Song: Resting on the Promise
Song: Resting on the Promise
Get it on: Amazon | Apple Music | Spotify
“Resting on the Promise” was written last year 2019 as I was going through a pretty hard time in my life at that time. With me experiencing very difficult challenges, I still received a lot of prophetic words from different prophets that the lord sent my way to prepare me for what was to come. I would sit up at night and through the day thinking about all of those prophetic words and I tried to fathom how they would come about. I had become anxious and I began asking God “when are these going to be fulfilled!” Suddenly, I heard the holy spirit tell me to “rest on the promises that God had spoke to you through his prophets and through his word (Bible).” When the holy spirit said that to me, I felt my anxious spirit leave me, then I felt immediate peace! At that point I went from anxiousness to full trust in Gods plan and purpose for me, no matter what trials or tribulations that may bring.
The year 2019 to 2020 was one of the most challenging and difficult times of my life but it also was one of the best times of my life, where I have seen God be a promise keeper to his word! Since I released that song and after I made it out of that storm, I have been blessed abundantly in my life by God! My life has done a complete 360 from 2019 when I first wrote that song, leading up to this year. I really believe God blessed me because I was obedient to the holy spirit and I stepped out on faith to write and finish that song! That song really prepared me for those hard times I had to endure this year and I pray that this song helps someone who may be experiencing the same or worst then what I experienced! Sometimes we don’t know why we go through what we go through but one thing that is for sure, God knows and his word says “ All things work together for the good for those who love the lord and who are called according to his purposes!” (Romans 8:28) God does not make mistakes, people do! I encourage you today to just rest on Gods promises and trust his word and plans for your life!
Get it on: Apple Music | Spotify
This song is inspired by the scripture Psalms 34:1 by Psalmist David in the bible!
34 I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
This scripture became life to me this year, dealing with financial changes, a toxic/failed marriage, separation/divorce, moving from house to house, place to place, church to church. This year was a true challenge and transition for me in ways that I had no personal control over it! Through all the pain, hurt, tears, uncertainty I was much like David and continued to bless the lord at all times! My praise was consistent! Through it all I continued to rest on Gods promises and I seen that God had bigger plans for me! As time progressed I have seen how God has changed my life tremendously this year because I kept praising him, honoring him and trusting him! With this song I feel freedom, I feel like Paul and Silas being free from prison, when they sang those hymns! I want to encourage those who may be going through a hard time right now, to trust God and to keep praising him because Praise always win the battles just like the armies of Jehoshaphat! Your praise will cause you to win your wars!
Hear his music in our Regular Rotation and in our Featured Artist Rotation every night at 8:30PM EST on #MusicLov3rzRadio at the following link:

#MusicLov3rz: #MusicLov3rz December 2020 - Independent Music Worldwide
† 3x Award Nominee "Media Publication of the Year" † "Magazine of the Year" 🙏 Independent Music For The Lord of All Genres †