DaCounsla Returns To #MusicLov3rz February!
This song, I believe God placed on my heart to help bring awareness to the fact many husbands out in the world have forgotten what a marriage is. Marriage is greater than a commitment to your wife, but you are coming into a covenant with her and God. The Lord has given us Husbands a command that we should love our wives as He loves His church. He laid down his life for us as we should too. But also, I felt lead to be transparent in some regards to the song and touch on some things that I experience in my own marriage. Even though this song is not about my life directly I believe I can relate as well as many others that its ok to fight for your marriage, for the blessings that God gives you thru a Woman. Overall, I hope to see many marriages restored thru this song, many men and women come to repentance as well as to give and seek forgiveness for the hurts that they cause to each other. Let us grow spiritually as well as in the natural. Amen.
This song was inspired by The Lord and the motivation behind this song was to bring encouragement to everyone. There are many verses that come to mind when thinking about this song, but one in particular; Philippians 4:13- “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” I believe when we place our Faith in Jesus Christ alone for what he did at the cross we can achieve anything. With God all things are made possible when we put our sole trust in Him. He is our Redeemer, and since he has redeemed me from the world and the lust thereof, I wanted to share that testimony in the song. He saved me which means he can also save you. All we need to do is to call on him. Repent, and turn back to Jesus Christ and believe in him by faith for what he did on the Cross and that God raised him from the dead. Be encouraged that no matter what sin you may be in or struggling with just know that he loves you and he will help you change from the inside and out. Amen.
Find these 2 songs and all of Da Counsla's work on:
Reverbnation | Soundcloud | YouTube
Connect with him on:
Instagram | Twitter
Hear and read about his previous work on our blog at this link:
Here these 2 songs and more from him in our CHH rotation each night after 10PM EST at

#MusicLov3rz: #MusicLov3rz February 2021 - Independent Music Worldwide
† 3x Award Nominee "Media Publication of the Year" † "Magazine of the Year" 🙏 Independent Music For The Lord of All Genres †