EMPOWERED Featured In #MusicLov3rz May!
Benny DiChiara & Empowered
Three Days
Benny DiChiara is not fragile, yet he understands the fragility of life. He is not lost, but he knows the aimless paths of those who wander. He is not a victim, but he has experienced life-saving salvation from the inside out. His world has been shaken, but his feet are planted firmly on the strongest of foundations. And even as he faced an abyss of the unknown, he never did so alone.
In October 2015, the singer, songwriter, businessman, motivational speaker, father, and husband endured a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that placed his life and future in peril. A fall sent him to the emergency room and ICU with a concussion and closed fracture of the skull base with subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage. The catastrophic injury could have easily ended his life or, at the least, compromised the quality of it.
"I absolutely remember nothing from the first month after my injury," he shares. "It's just gone. Once I started to come out of it, there were memory gaps, speech issues, and walking issues. Everything looked surreal."
Hand-in-hand with his Savior, DiChiara not only defied medical odds; he discovered and plumbed the depths of burgeoning creative inspiration that merged into the most recent EP from his band, Empowered, entitled Three Days.
"As I recovered, the injury did not affect my ability to make music," he shares. "I was afraid I would lose that gifting. Instead, He has elevated that gift."
Empowered has become a staple of the live music scene in their home state of Louisiana, sharing the stage with such powerhouse artists as Switchfoot, MercyMe, 7eventh Time Down, and Jaci Velasquez.
Their latest release has generated more than 230,000 streams on Spotify alone, while the single, "Listen to the Children," debuted at #5 on IndieGospel.net's popular show, T. Roy Taylor's Top 20 Countdown. The single and titled song, “Three Days,” currently sit atop IndieGospel.net’s popular show, T. Roy Taylor’s Top 10 Video Countdown.
The success is indicative of the music's relevance and poignancy for such a time as this.
"Society is bombarding our kids with messages that are the antithesis of the Gospel," says DiChiara. "We need to counter that with our faith and give our kids strong, Godly guidance on these issues. But we can't do that without communicating. We need to listen to our children so we can hear what the world is telling them, and counter it with the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
Track after track, DiChiara does just that, imbuing each song with timeless, eye-opening truth. From the title track that "points the world to the King of Kings," to the crunchy guitars on the electrically charged anthem "Rock Bottom," God's unconditional grace takes center stage.
"Jesus is our rock," shares DiChiara. "The good news is that no matter how far down you fall, you don't have to live there.”
His fragility has turned to strength; the paths that were once cloaked in darkness are now bathed in light, and the man who was once at the edge of life is now full of purpose and divine presence.
"God used this in my life to teach me not to be afraid," says DiChiara. "I know that He saved my life and that He has a plan for my life. I am not afraid to be bold in representing Him."
Listen to Empowered on Amazon, Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube & Alexa.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/empoweredrocks
Instagram: Empowered_Rockin4Jesus
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Empowered_Rocks
Website: www.Rockin4Jesus.com

#MusicLov3rz: #MusicLov3rz May 2021 - Independent Music Worldwide
† 3x Award Nominee "Media Publication of the Year" † "Magazine of the Year" 🙏 Independent Music For The Lord of All Genres †