Trinity House Entertainment Inc Ft. Rachel & Michael Return To #MusicLov3rz October!

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. ” :: Our new single “ I ’ ll Be There For You ” -Jesus, is our way of letting people know that without a doubt our Lord is with us always and wherever we go. We have felt a calling from our Lord to share this truth with everyone to remind them that God is always with us. Especially during these recent times, with so many powers trying to segregate us as a people and community. Jesus is with us in all times whether they are difficult, and we are struggling or whether we are being showered with blessings and are on top of the world. Our hope is that we communicated this through our song in a way that people will want to praise our Lord in any situation. We hope to continue to write messages that inspire people to seek out God and our savior Jesus Christ. We have lear...